Day One: 4 December 2023 (Monday)

08 00 – 09 00 Registration
09 00 – 09 30 Opening Ceremony & Group photography session
09 30 –10 00Special Remarks 
Symposium 1
Theme: New Paradigm Shift for Neuroeducation
1030 – 10 45 Keynote Speaker 1
10 45 – 11 15
Tea Break
11 15 – 11 35 Invited Speaker 1
11 35 – 11 55 Invited Speaker 2
11 55 – 12 25 Plenary 1
12 25 – 13 00 Poster Presentation & Exhibition
13 00 – 14 00Lunch
Symposium 2
Theme: Challenges and Opportunities of Educational Technologies
14 00 – 14 45 Keynote 2
14 45 – 15 05 Invited Speaker 3
15 05 – 15 25 Invited Speaker 4
15 25 – 16 00 Tea Break and Poster Presentation & Exhibition
16 00 – 16 10 Oral Presentation 1
16 10 – 16 20 Oral Presentation 2
16 20 – 16 30 Oral Presentation 3
16 30 – 16 40 Oral Presentation 4
16 40 – 16 50 Oral Presentation 5
16 50 – 17 00Oral Presentation 6   
17 00 – 17 30 Plenary Speaker 2
17 30
End of Day 1
19 00 - 22 00   Conference Dinner

 Day Two: 5 December 2023 (Tuesday)
Symposium 3 & 4
Theme: Navigating Educational Challenges & Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World
09 00 – 09 45
Keynote Speaker 3
09 45 – 10 05
Invited Speaker 5
10 05 – 10 25
Invited Speaker 6
10 25 – 11 00
Tea Break and Poster Presentation & Exhibition
11 00 – 11 10
Oral presentation 7
11 10 – 11 20
Oral presentation 8
11 20 – 11 30
Oral presentation 9
11 30 – 11 40
Oral presentation 10
11 40 – 12 00
Plenary Speaker 3
12 00 – 13 00
Poster Presentation & Exhibition
13 00 – 14 00
Lunch Break
14 00 – 14 45
Keynote 4
14 45 – 15 05
Invited Speaker 7
15 05 – 15 25
Invited Speaker 8
15 25 – 16 00
Tea Break and Poster Presentation & Exhibition
16 00 – 16 10
Oral Presentation 11
16 10 – 16 20
Oral Presentation 12
Forum - Research Methodology for Social Sciences
16 20 –16 35
Forum Speaker 1

16 35 – 16 50
Forum Speaker 2
16 50 – 17 05   
Forum Speaker 3
17 05 – 17 30
Q&A Session
17 30   
Closing Remark